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 Statutes ablutions and his Sunan

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 1410
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/05/2014

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Statutes ablutions and his Sunan
Praise be to Allaah
First :
Staff of ablution and Frodah six:
1. face - the nose and mouth and wash it.
2. Wash your hands up to the elbows.
3. wipe the head.
4. washing the feet to the ankles.
5. arrangement between the members of ablution.
6. loyalty among them. (Ie washing up members without a long interval between them).
He says: (O ye who believe! If you have to pray Vagsilwa your faces and your hands to facilities and Wipe your heads against the feet to the ankles) table / 6.
See: "Rawd box with an entourage son Qasim" (1 / 181-188).
Uthaymeen may God have mercy on him, he said:
"Pferod be ablution ablution corners here.
Thus we know that God has mercy on them, scientists diversifying phrases, make hypotheses arcana, and Staff Fraudha "finished" Mumti "(1/183).
We have made that assumption is to be in the view of the majority of the scholars, see question number (127 742).
Voajpat ablutions are pillars, namely statutes, which are what make up the ablutions and there is only them.
The label on the ablution: Imam Ahmad went to the obligatory.
The majority of scholars that it is the year of the ways of ablution and not obligatory, has been discussed in the Advisory Opinion Number: (21241).
Second :
Sunan many ablution multiple, Sheikh Saleh Fawzaan said:
Sunan ablution are:
First, tooth brushing, and replaced when rinsing the mouth; to get done cleaning and rinsing the mouth mouth to receive worship and prepare to recite the Koran and the monologues of God Almighty.
Second: Wash hands three times in the first wash before washing the face; to the receipt of the conversations do, and because the water was transferred to the hands Members machine; washed in reserve for all ablutions.
Third: the beginning Balamadamadh and nose before washing the face; the beginning of the roses in their conversations, and exaggerates them if he is not fasting.
And the meaning of exaggeration in Rinsing: water management in all of his mouth, and inhalation: Attract water to the maximum nose.
Fourth: pickling beard dense with water until it reaches inside, and pickling fingers and toes.
Fifth: Althiamn, which is starting with the right, from the hands and feet before the left.
Sixth: To increase the per Algslh to three washes to wash the face, hands and legs. "
He finished the "Summary of jurisprudence" (1 / 44-45).
It also Sunan: Clear ears to the majority of scholars, Imam Ahmad went to the need to wipe them. This has been discussed in the Advisory Opinion Number: (115 246).
And desirable to say after ablution: (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, God, make me of those who repent, and me among those who purify themselves, Glory and praise God, I bear witness that there is no god but You, forgiveness and repent to you).
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